Friday, March 4, 2011

The Persident-Explain it to an 8 yr old!

Ok kids, there is a really cool job out there that becomes vacant every four years and if you study really hard you might find yourself as a candidate in the running for President of the United States!! If your really good at it you might get the opportunity to hold the position for eight years. In order to qualify you must be a natural born citizen and reside here for at least 14 years. Oh yeah and you must be at least 35 years old!

The benefits package is awesome. You get to live in a really nice house, and you’ll earn 400,000 dollars a year! Imagine how many video games you can buy with that amount of cash! You will also get an additional 50,000 dollar expense account, and 100,000 dollars to travel! Not bad huh? You also get a really cool car and a private plane!! Did I mention the Secret Service? That’s who will protect you and you family for the remainder of your life! They are cooler than Bat Man. I had the pleasure of watching them do their job protecting President Obama, real life superhero’s!!

You will be the boss of the armed forces, and can forgive those who have committed federal offences if you wish to. You can host parties and invite the worlds most important people to attend. You can make peace treaties and appoint judges and high officials. One of the most important things you will do is approve legislation and make sure the laws are followed carefully! You will be very busy, but you will also be very important!! So what do you think, would you like to run for President? I say give it a shot!! Remember first you must study hard!!!

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